In the Press

By Daily Telegraph Reporter

Tuesday 28th May 2024

Renewable energy minister backs rally against solar projects on farmland


  • 18th April 2024

Landowners cover countryside with solar panels in ‘sunrush’

  • Adam Vaughan, Environment Editor

  • Will Humphries, Countryside Correspondent

  • 21st April 2024

Solar farms are taking us back to the dark ages

  • Matt Ridley

  • 3 April 2024

It is debatable whether we need home-grown electricity more desperately than we need home-grown food these days.

  • Sophie Day

  • The Basingstoke Gazette

  • 28 September 2023

  • Charlie Brooks

  • The Daily Telegraph

  • 11th September 2023

“…it is a stated aim of this Government, reiterated by the Prime Minister last week, to protect productive farmland.”

  • Caroline Thorpe

  • The Sunday Times

  • 13 August 2023

  • Proff Peter Dobson

    Peter Dobson is emeritus professor of engineering science, University of Oxford

  • Comments, The Times

  • 2 August 2023

  • Tom Pyman

  • Daily Mail Online

  • 31 July 2023

  • Cameron Blackshaw

  • Newbury Weekly News

  • 20 July 2023

Should we harvest food or solar power?

  • Tim Bonner

  • The Countryside Alliance

  • 20 July 2023

Is Solar Energy Really Worth the Damage to England Farmland


  • 21 June 2023

Opposing solar farms to protect the landscape is not nimbyism

“We must push the government to facilitate renewable energy schemes in appropriate places, not criticise local communities for resisting them

  • Barbara Chillman, ‘Letters’ section

  • The Guardian

  • 1 September 2022

“Light … or blight? Anger rises at plan for Britain’s biggest solar farm.”

£600m project is one of 900 in planning pipeline to provide green energy

  • The Guardian

  • 5 March 2022

“The HND and follow-on strategic network plans8 will help to ensure more renewable generation can be brought forward at the right time and in the right places taking into account potential community and environmental impacts at an earlier stage of planning.”

“For ground-mounted solar, we will consult on amending planning rules to strengthen policy in favour of development on non-protected land, while ensuring communities continue to have a say and environmental protections remain in place.

We will continue supporting the effective use of land by encouraging large scale projects to locate on previously developed, or lower value land, where possible, and ensure projects are designed to avoid, mitigate, and where necessary, compensate for the impacts of using greenfield sites.”

  • The Rt Hon Boris Johnson MP

  • 7 April 2022